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A Liberated Mind (eBook) von Hayes, Steven

The essential guide to ACT
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Hersteller: Ebury Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-4735-5063-6
Rückgabe: Keine Rückgabe möglich
Verfügbarkeit: Abhol-/Versandbereit in 24 Stunden (Bestellschluss 13 Uhr Werktags)
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Over the last 35 years, Steven C. Hayes and his colleagues have developed Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with many hundreds of studies supporting the impact of his approach on everything from chronic pain to weight loss to prejudice and bigotry.

A Liberated Mind is the summary of Steven's life's work which will teach readers how to live better, happier and more fulfilled lives by applying the six key processes of ACT. Put together these processes teach us to pivot: to "defuse" rather than fuse with our thoughts; to see life from a new perspective; and to discover our chosen values, those qualities of being that fuel meaning.

Steve shares fascinating research results like how ACT techniques decreased typing errors on a clerical test or showed that positive affirmations actually increase negative emotion. And he weaves them with stories of clients and colleagues as well as his own riveting story of healing himself of a severe panic disorder, which is how the idea of psychological flexibility was born.

A Liberated Mind is a powerful and important book about a new form of psychology, destined to become a modern classic of narrative psychology on par with Daring Greatly and Rising Strong by Brene Brown, or Carol Dweck's Mindset.

Autor Hayes, Steven
Verlag Ebury Publishing
Einband Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2019
Meldetext Abhol-/Versandbereit in 24 Stunden (Bestellschluss 13 Uhr Werktags)
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Masse 4'844 KB
Plattform EPUB
Verlagsartikelnummer 241907
Erscheinungstermin 20190827
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Über den Autor Hayes, Steven

Prof. Dr. Steven C. Hayes, geb. 1948, ist Professor für Psychologie an der University of Nevada in Reno. Er blickt auf über 35 Jahre Forschung in der Psychologie zurück. Mit mehr als 45 Büchern und 625 veröffentlichten Fachartikeln zählt er zu den einflussreichsten Psychologen der Welt. Er ist der Vater der Akzeptanz- und Commitmenttherapie (ACT) und wichtiger Impulsgeber für die Prozessorientierte Therapie.

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