Grammar for English Language Teachers provides invaluable support to teachers in training and those with more experience. As well as clearly explaining and illustrating the grammar, it examines difficulties learners often encounter, and provides help and advice in planning lessons. It explores the complexity of grammatical choices in an accessible way, and raises awareness of how these differ from the 'rules of thumb' often presented to learners. This edition contains new material which reflects the latest developments in linguistics and language teaching, including a chapter on 'Combining words', informed by lexico-grammar. It also includes insights and examples of language use from the Cambridge International Corpus. Increased cross-referencing and an extended index mean that the book can be easily used as a quick reference tool, as well as to explore major topics in depth. Winner of the Duke of Edinburgh English Language Award 2000 (first edition).
Short Stories in English for Beginners is an unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for adult and young adult learners.
Teach Yourself logo] [to the right of logo] Foreign Language Graded Reader Series[Exciter Paragraph] Short Stories in English for Intermediate Learners is an unmissable collection of eight entertaining short stories for adult and young adult learners of English looking to expand their language skills in English. These stories are carefully written to give you a rich and supported reading experience and help you improve your vocabulary and comprehension in a natural way. From science fiction and fantasy to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in English for Intermediate Learnersis designed to make reading at a higher level in English easy and enjoyable. [Bullet list]· Controlled vocabulary at your level helps you learn useful new expressions and progress beyond intermediate reading levels. Accessible grammar helps you learn new structures naturally, without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. Spoken dialogues help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability. · Chapter summaries and comprehension questions help you better understand the stories. [thumbnail Image of Chambers Learner dictionary] Vocabulary lists with definitions from the Chambers Student Learners' Dictionary so you can quickly look up unfamiliar words and keep reading! · [App icon TK] Audio book and free Bonus Story available at and the Readers app.[banner text] For low-intermediate - intermediate language learnersOlly Richards speaks eight languages and is the man behind the popular language-learning blog: I Will Teach You a Language. [URL] [Twitter] TYOpenRoadOlly_IWTYAL[Facebook] TYOpenRoad iwillteachyoualanguage[Instagram] TYOpenRoadiwillteachyoualanguage
Niezwykla, trzypoziomowa seria podrecznikow do gramatyki, ktora sprawia, ze nauka staje sie ciekawa i wciagajaca. Struktury gramatyczne sa wprowadzane i cwiczone w kontekstach zaczerpnietych z roznych dziedzin nauki, w tym: historii, geografii, literatury, fizyki czy nauk spolecznych, a reguly gramatyczne poparto przykladami uzycia w jezyku codziennym, co ulatwia zapamietywanie i przyswajanie nowych informacji. Seria konsekwentnie realizuje zalozenia CLIL, dzieki czemu stanowi nieoceniona pomoc w przygotowaniu do matury na poziomie rozszerzonym i matury miedzynarodowej oraz dla osob planujacych studiowac za granica. Do kazdej ksiazki dolaczona jest plyta CD-ROM, zawierajaca cwiczenia interaktywne, ktore wspomagaja utrwalanie nowego materialu. Macmillan English Grammar in Context jest szczegolnie polecana dla szkol z wykladowym jezykiem angielskim oraz dla klas o profilu jezykowym ze zwiekszona liczba godzin jezyka angielskiego.Warto wiedziec: Przyklady zdan ilustrujacych uzycie regul gramatycznych zostaly zaczerpniete z Macmillan Curriculum Corpus, ktory wykorzystano rowniez przy tworzeniu Macmillan School Dictionary. Przejrzysta struktura kazdego rozdzialu - jedna strona klarownych wyjasnien popartych przykladami i trzy strony cwiczen w praktycznym kontekscie - usprawnia korzystanie z publikacji. Seria kladzie szczegolny nacisk na zagadnienia ulatwiajace uzywanie jezyka w sposob naturalny , takie jak przyimki i zwiazki frazeologiczne. Wersje z kluczem i bez klucza zapewniaja mozliwosc pracy samodzielnej lub w grupie.
The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English.
The second edition of this hugely successful textbook provides comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics in theoretical and applied linguistics. Written by leading academics in the field, this text offers a firm grounding in linguistics and includes engaging insights into current research.
It covers all the key areas of linguistic analysis, including phonetics, morphology, semantics and pragmatics, and core domains of study, comprising the history of the English language, regional and social variation, style and communication and interaction. Fresh material on research methods outlines key areas for consideration when carrying out a research project, and provides students with the framework they need to investigate linguistic phenomena for themselves.
This is an invaluable resource for both undergraduate and postgraduate students on English Language and Linguistics degree programmes.
Niveau B2 - aktualisierte und überarbeitete Neuauflage - Berücksichtigung der Änderungen der Cambridge English: First (FCE)-Prüfung 2015 - über einen Code Zugang zu ergänzenden computerbasierten Practice Tests bei Macmillan Practice Online - Der Band eignet sich damit sowohl für die Arbeit im Kurs als auch für das Selbststudium. Informationen zu den wichtigsten Englisch-Prüfungen und eine Übersicht finden Sie in unserem Infoservice.
Quickly discover the many uses of the English tenses. How do English speakers use two tenses to mean the same thing? Why do the rules not always apply? If we can say "I cooked dinner" and "I have cooked dinner" in exactly the same situation, how do you choose? And when is it okay to say "I'm loving it"? This comprehensive guide to the usage patterns of all 12 aspects of the English language covers all the rules and grammatical forms. The English Tenses: Practical Grammar Guide is ideal as either an accompaniment to core texts or as a full self-study guide. It introduces the reader to flexible uses of the English tenses, with simple, easy-to-follow explanations, colourful examples and enlightening comparisons.
Improve your grammar skills with 161 focused exercises. The English Tenses Exercise Book drills a solid understanding of the past, present and future in simple, continuous and perfect forms. With thousands of examples of each tense, practising both form and use, this is a perfect companion to reference books and language classes. Each tense is tested separately to help you perfect them, before being brought together in mixed tense exercises that compare and contrast use. Exercises include individual gap-fill sentences, scrambled sentences, reading for information, usage analysis, and error correction, as well as longer prose exercises that demonstrate applied grammar. You'll find educational articles, short stories and even a recipe for homemade bread! This wealth of practice will strengthen your understanding and your confidence, while also providing entertainment thanks to the author's uniquely engaging style. Written by Phil Williams, author of the bestselling reference book, The English Tenses Practical Grammar Guide, this exercise book is a must-have for any student of English. Get it today!
Grammar greatness-with simple rules, exercises, and quizzes.
Mastering English grammar has never been easier. The Perfect English Grammar Workbook is a complete explanation of standard American English and an irreplaceable resource for students, ESL learners, and anyone else who's serious about mistake-free speaking and writing.
From punctuation and prepositions to adverbs and abbreviations, this grammar workbook provides simple and straightforward guides to every part of English grammar. With classroom-style lessons you can practice your skills with dozens of helpful exercises. Afterwards, check your progress with comprehensive end-of-chapter quizzes.
The Perfect English Grammar Workbook includes:
Never misplace a comma again-The Perfect English Grammar Workbook makes it easy.
Basic English Grammar is a classic developmental skills text for beginning students of English as a second or foreign language.
The Workbook consists of self-study exercises, with answers included, providing students with the opportunity to explore and practice grammar independently. It is keyed to the explanatory grammar charts in the Student Book. Volume A of the Workbook includes Chapters 1-8 plus the Appendices.
New to this edition:
How will English File get your students talking? Lessons and activities provide the language, motivation and opportunity students need to speak confidently. Students are gradually introduced to authentic listening and reading. Students build their confidence with a proven balance of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and Skills Development in every File. Teachers and students have access to all their English File resources - video, audio and worksheets - in one easy-to-manage place.
Destination Grammar is the ideal grammar and vocabulary practice book for all students preparing to take any B2 level exam. There are 28 units within the book with alternating grammar and vocabulary units that cover a wide range of exercise types, including those found in FCE Use of English. This is a With Key edition.
Niveau C1 - aktualisierte und überarbeitete Neuauflage - Berücksichtigung der Änderungen der Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)-Prüfung 2015 - über einen Code Zugang zu ergänzenden computerbasierten Practice Tests bei Macmillan Practice Online - Der Band eignet sich damit sowohl für die Arbeit im Kurs als auch für das Selbststudium. Informationen zu den wichtigsten Englisch-Prüfungen und eine Übersicht finden Sie in unserem Infoservice.
Destination Grammar is the ideal grammar and vocabulary practice book for all students preparing to take any C1 and C2 level exam. There are 26 units within the book with alternating grammar and vocabulary units that cover a wide range of exercise that help to prepare students for the Cambridge CAE. This is a With Key edition.