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***Includes a preview of Paula's scorching new thriller, A Slow Fire Burning ***

'Gripping, enthralling - a top-notch thriller and a compulsive read.' SJ Watson, bestselling author of BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP

Rachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She's even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. 'Jess and Jason', she calls them. Their life - as she sees it - is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy.

And then she sees something shocking. It's only a minute until the train moves on, but it's enough.

Now everything's changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she's only watched from afar.

Now they'll see; she's much more than just the girl on the train...

CHF 9.00

After decades of warfare, Malazan forces are now close to consolidating the Quon Talian mainland. Yet it is at this moment that Emperor Kellanved orders a new campaign far to the north: the invasion of Falar.

Since the main Malazan armies are otherwise engaged in Quon Tali, a collection of orphaned units and broken squads has been brought together under Fist Dujek - himself recovering from the loss of an arm - to fight this new campaign. A somewhat rag-tag army, joined by a similarly motley fleet under the command of the Emperor himself.

There are however those who harbour doubts regarding the stewardship of Kellanved and his cohort Dancer, and as the Malazan force heads north, it encounters an unlooked-for and most unwelcome threat - unspeakable and born of legend, it has woken and will destroy all who stand in its way. Most appalled by this is Tayschrenn, the untested High Mage of the Empire. He is all-too aware of the true nature of this ancient horror - and his own inadequacy in having to confront it. Yet confront it he must, alongside the most unlikely of allies . . .

And then the theocracy of Falar is itself far from defenceless - its priests are in possession of a weapon so terrifying it has not been unleashed for centuries. Named the Jhistal, it was rumoured to be a gift from the sea-god Mael. But two can play at that game, for the Emperor sails towards Falar aboard his flagship Twisted - a vessel that is itself thought to be not entirely of this world . . .

Here in the Ice Wastes and among the islands of Falar, the Empire of Malaz faces two seemingly insurmountable tests - each one potentially the origin of its destruction.

These are bloody, turbulent and treacherous times for all caught up in the forging of the Malazan Empire.

CHF 10.00

Fantastic world-building meets spellbinding storytelling in this must-read fan-favourite from Esslemont. Ideal for fans of Steven Erikson, David Gemmell and Brandon Sanderson.

'This book hits all the right notes at all the right times' -- FANTASY BOOK REVIEW
'Highly entertaining . . . streamlined, tightly-plotted and structured' -- TOR.COM
'Incredible storytelling' -- ***** Reader review
'What a treat' -- ***** Reader review
'A fantastic end to a wonderful trilogy' -- ***** Reader review
'OMG - amazing. What more can I say' -- ***** Reader review
The incessant war between the bickering city states of Quon Tali rages. So engrossed are the warring lords and princes in their own petty feuds that few notice that an upstart mage from Dal Hon has gained control of the southern seas. But some powers are alarmed.

And in the meantime, as Purge and Tali indulge in what seems like a never-ending game of war. Simultaneously, a pair of escapees from Castle Gris make their way across this ravaged landscape of flame and butchery. Their intention is to seek out the legendary Crimson Guard.

And then there's Kellanved, who could not care less about any of this petty politicking or strategy or war. Something other and altogether more mysterious has caught his attention and he - together with a reluctant and decidedly sceptical Dancer - traverse continents and journey through the Realms in pursuit . . . But this ancient mystery that has so captivated Kellanved is neither esoteric nor ephemeral. No, it is of an altogether darker and more dangerous hue. It involves the Elder races themselves, and more specifically - certainly more alarmingly - the semi-mythic, and universally dreaded, Army of Dust and Bone.

Surely no one in their right mind would be so foolish as to embark on a journey from which none have returned? Well, no one except Kellanved that is . . .

CHF 10.00

Fantastic world-building meets spellbinding storytelling in this must-read fan-favourite from Esslemont. Ideal for fans of Steven Erikson, David Gemmell and Brandon Sanderson.

'The world building is truly impressive . . . the action scenes well written . . . Esslemont's writing style addictive and engaging . . .' -- RISING SHADOW.NET
'Esslemont . . . seamlessly weaves great characters, action sequences and genuine humour into a fascinating narrative . . .' -- THE CRITICAL DRAGON.COM
'Never really slows down and the book is so engrossing I finished it within a week' -- ***** Reader review
'Ian C Esslemont strikes again!' -- ***** Reader review
'Another winner' -- ***** Reader review
'Absolutely brilliant' -- ***** Reader review


After the disappointments of Li Heng, Dancer and Kellanved wash up on a small insignificant island named Malaz. Immediately, of course, Kellanved plans to take it over. To do so they join forces with a small band of Napans who have fled a civil war on their own home island. The plan, however, soon goes awry as Kellanved develops a strange and dangerous fascination for a mysterious ancient structure found on the island...

The chaos in the region extends to the metaphysical planes also as a young priest of D'rek starts to question the rot at the heart of the worship of the god of decay. And back in Li Heng, Dassem, now the proclaimed Sword of Hood, finds himself being blamed for a plague which leads him to a crisis of faith - and searching for answers.

During all this, war with the neighbouring island of Nap threatens, recruited allies wonder at Kellanved's sanity, and powerful entities take more of an interest in the little mage from Dal Hon. Dancer faces a hard choice: should he give up on his partnership? Especially when the fellow's obsession with shadows and ancient artefacts brings the both of them alarmingly close to death and destruction.

After all, who in his right mind would actually wish to enter an Elder mystery known to everyone as the 'Deadhouse'?

CHF 10.00

Fantastic world-building meets spellbinding storytelling in this must-read fan-favourite from Esslemont. Ideal for fans of Steven Erikson, David Gemmell and Brandon Sanderson.

'This book hits all the right notes at all the right times' -- FANTASY BOOK REVIEW
'Highly entertaining . . . streamlined, tightly-plotted and structured' -- TOR.COM
'An awesome read' -- ***** Reader review
'Esslemont at his best' -- ***** Reader review
'Totally absorbing' -- ***** Reader review
'You'll find this hard to put down' -- ***** Reader review

It was once a land ravaged by war, minor city states, baronies and principates fighting for supremacy. But when the rival cities of Tali and Quon formed an alliance, Quon Tali came into being.

However that was generations ago, that dynasty has collapsed and the regional powers are now clawing at each others throats once more. But at the heart of Quon Tali lies the powerful city state of Li Heng which has for centuries enjoyed relative stability under the guidance of the powerful sorceress known as the "Protectress".

She is not someone likely to tolerate the arrival of two particular young men into her domain: one is determined to prove he is the most skilled assassin of his age; the other is his quarry - a Dal Hon mage who is proving annoyingly difficult to kill.

And now, under a new and ambitious king, the forces of Itko Kan are marching on Li Heng from the south. His own assassins, the Nightblades, have been sent ahead into the city, and rumours abound that he has inhuman, nightmarish forces at his command. So as shadows and mistrust swirl and monstrous beasts run rampage through Li Heng's streets, it seems chaos is come - but in chaos, as a certain young Dal Hon mage would say, there is opportunity . . .

CHF 10.00

Now is the time to tell the story of an ancient realm, a tragic tale that sets the stage for all the tales yet to come and all those already told...

It's a conflicted time in Kurald Galain, the realm of Darkness, where Mother Dark reigns. But this ancient land was once home to many a power... and even death is not quite eternal. The commoners' great hero, Vatha Urusander, is being promoted by his followers to take Mother Dark's hand in marriage, but her Consort, Lord Draconus, stands in the way of such ambitions. The impending clash sends fissures throughout the realm, and as the rumors of civil war burn through the masses, an ancient power emerges from the long dead seas. Caught in the middle of it all are the First Sons of Darkness, Anomander, Andarist, and Silchas Ruin of the Purake Hold...

Steven Erikson entered the pantheon of great fantasy writers with his debut Gardens of the Moon. Now he returns with the first novel in a trilogy that takes place millennia before the events of the Malazan Book of the Fallen and introduces readers to Kurald Galain, the warren of Darkness. It is the epic story of a realm whose fate plays a crucial role in shaping the world of the Malazan Empire.

CHF 14.00

Bled dry by interminable warfare, infighting and bloody confrontations with Lord Anomander Rake and his Tiste Andii, the vast, sprawling Malazan empire simmers with discontent.

Even its imperial legions yearn for some respite.

For Sergeant Whiskeyjack and his Bridgeburners, and for Tattersail - sole surviving sorceress of the Second Legion - the aftermath of the siege of Pale should have been a time to mourn the dead. But Darujhistan, the last of the Free Cities of Genabackis, still holds out against the empire - and Empress Lasseen's ambition knows no bounds.

However, it seems the empire is not alone in this great game. Sinister forces gather as the gods themselves prepare to play their hand . . .

Conceived and written on an epic scale, Gardens of the Moon is a breathtaking achievement - a novel in which grand design, a dark and complex mythology, wild and wayward magic and a host of enduring characters combine with thrilling, powerful storytelling to resounding effect.

CHF 9.00


'Utterly engrossing . . . I lived inside this book for two days - and I'm still thinking about it. Superb!' Shari Lapena

'Intelligent, insightful and compelling. A clever, twisting whodunnit that delivers an emotional punch. I loved it.' C L Taylor

'The police belonged to another world - the world they saw on the television or in the papers. Not theirs.'

When two eighteen-year-old girls go missing on their gap year in Thailand, their families are thrust into the international spotlight: desperate, bereft and frantic with worry.

Journalist Kate Waters always does everything she can to be first to the story, first with the exclusive, first to discover the truth - and this time is no exception. But she can't help but think of her own son, who she hasn't seen in two years, since he left home to go travelling. This time it's personal.

And as the case of the missing girls unfolds, they will all find that even this far away, danger can lie closer to home than you might think . . .

Readers are obsessed with The Suspect:

***** 'Plenty of heart and emotion . . . getting under your skin'
***** 'Suspenseful, gripping and heart-rending'
***** 'I could not put it down, and my heart was racing'


The new must-read thriller from the author of Sunday Times bestseller, THE WIDOW, and the Richard & Judy No. 1 bestseller, THE CHILD.

CHF 7.50

The uplifting Japanese bestseller


'Compassionate and touching'

'Totally beguiling' OBSERVER

Perfect fans of The Travelling Cat Chronicles and Convenience Store Woman

On the outskirts of Tokyo, local cats weave their way through the lives and homes of their owners as they navigate difficult times.

- A cat named Chobi sends silent messages of courage to a young woman, willing her to end a faltering relationship
- A gifted artist fatally misunderstands her boss's enthusiasm for her paintings
- A manga fan shuts herself away after the death of her friend, while her cat Cookie hatches a plan to persuade her outside
- A woman who has dedicated her life to a distant husband learns a lesson in independence from her cat

Against the urban backdrop of humming trains and private woes, SHE AND HER CAT explores the gentle magic of the everyday.

Populated by both the friendly and the feral, it reveals - with heartstopping clarity and warmth - how even in our darkest moments, community and connection may lead us to a happier place.

***Includes four fabulous illustrations***


'A beautiful, uplifting novel.
As mesmerizing as it is strange' SAINSBURY'S MAGAZINE
'Goes to show how cats will save us all' Nick Bradley, author of The Cat and the City
'A gem, written with deep insight and finely attuned to the ways of cats and their humans. An absolute delight' HAZEL PRIOR author of Call of the Penguins

CHF 9.00


Sharpen your instincts in a world full of uncertainty and risk.

The training to become a fighter pilot is among the most competitive and difficult in the world with fewer than one-in-a-thousand succeeding. Pushing a cutting-edge jet to its limits at over 1,000 mph means that every split-second decision can have catastrophic consequences. Throughout his high-pressure career in the cockpit of the world's most advanced and expensive weapons systems, Hasard Lee learned to master skills at the apex of decision-making theory and practice.

Now he shares gripping firsthand accounts from his time as a fighter pilot, and distills what he's learned into a powerful ACE Helix framework that can be used in business and in life, revealing how to:

These combat-tested techniques have already benefitted CEO's, astronauts, CIA agents and many others, and now The Art of Clear Thinking will enable anyone to perform at their peak.

CHF 14.00

Before the Malazan Empire, there was a time that set the stage for all those tales yet to be told . . .

The winter is bitter. Civil war threatens Kurald Galain for the warrior Urusander's army has begun its march on the city of Kharkanas. Led by the ruthless Hunn Raal, it intends to cast aside Mother Dark's consort, Draconus, and set Urusander himself on the throne beside the Living Goddess. Those who would stand in the way of the rebels lie scattered and weakened - leaderless since Anomander went in search of an estranged brother. In his stead, Silchas Ruin resolves to gather the Houseblades of the Highborn families to him, and to resurrect the legendary Hust Legion, but time is not on his side.
Far to the west, an unlikely army musters. It seeks an enemy without form, in a place none can find. And yet Hood's call has been heard and the long-abandoned city of Omtose Phellack is now home to a rabble of new arrivals: Dog-Runners from the south, Jheck warriors, and blue-skinned strangers from across the Western Sea have come to offer Hood their swords. From the distant mountains and isolated valleys of the North, Thel Akai arrive to pledge themselves in this seemingly impossible war. Soon, they will set forth with weapons drawn under the banners of the living in pursuit of Death itself.
Such events presage chaos, and now magic bleeds into this realm. Unconstrained, mysterious and savage, it begins to run loose and wild and following its scent, seeking the places of wounding and hurt - new and ancient entities gather.
In a world becoming rotten with sorcery, can honour truly exist?

CHF 14.00

From the creator of the viral TikTok videos about the sunshine assistant to the evil villain and their unexpected romance comes the second book in the hotly-anticipated fantasy romance series.

Readers can't wait to get their hands on a copy:

'I have never been so hyped for a book before'
'I will be buying this book so quickly even the dragon will be spooked!!'
'OMG finally!! I can't wait to have it in my hands!'
'As soon as it is out, I am going to run to buy it!! Cannot wait.'
'Giggling. Kicking my feet. I can't wait to read this!'
'I love this series so much, I've been hooked since the beginning. I'm so excited for the book.'
'I love Evie and the Villain so I NEED it.'

CHF 10.00

'This riveting account spares none of the detail and paints fascinating portraits of the desperate young pirates.' Daily Mail

An extraordinary true story of piracy, heroism and survival on the high seas . . .

8th April 2009 was just an ordinary day for 53 -year-old Richard Phillips, captain of the United States-registered cargo vessel, the Maersk Alabama, as it headed towards the port of Mombasa. Ordinary that is until, two hundred or so miles off the east coast of Africa, armed Somali pirates attacked and boarded the freighter as it headed towards the port of Mombasa. It was the first time an American cargo ship had been hijacked in over two-hundred years.

What the pirates didn't expect was that the crew would fight back, nor did they expect Captain Phillips to offer himself as a hostage in exchange for the safety of his crew. And so began a nail-bitingly tense five-day stand-off, which ended in a daring high-seas rescue by U.S. Navy SEALs.

In A Captain's Duty, Richard Phillips tells his own extraordinary story - that of an ordinary man who did what he saw as his duty and in so doing became a hero. It is a thrilling true tale of adventure and courage in the face of deprivation, death threats and mock executions and also a compulsively readable first-hand account of the terrors of high-seas hostage-taking.

CHF 10.00


The necromancers Bauchelain and Korbal Broach - scourges of civilization, raisers of the dead, reapers of the souls of the living, devourers of hope, betrayers of faith, slayers of the innocent and modest personifications of evil - have a lot to answer for and answer they will, but first they must lie, murder and cheat their way through three more escapades in some of the more deprived fringes and impoverished communities of the Malazan Empire. Much to the shame of their long-suffering general factotum, Emancipoor Reese...

Here then - for readers' delectation and entertainment - are those escapades, namely the novellas The Crack'd Pot Trail, The Wurms of Blearmouth and The Fiends of Nightmaria . . .

CHF 9.00


'A directory of wonders.' - The Guardian

'Jaw-dropping.' - The Times

'Classic, wry, gleeful entertaining and absolutely fact-rammed book.' - The Sunday Times

'It is a feat of narrative skill to bake so many facts into an entertaining and nutritious book.' - The Daily Telegraph

'We spend our whole lives in one body and yet most of us have practically no idea how it works and what goes on inside it. The idea of the book is simply to try to understand the extraordinary contraption that is us.'

Bill Bryson sets off to explore the human body, how it functions and its remarkable ability to heal itself. Full of extraordinary facts and astonishing stories The Body: A Guide for Occupants is a brilliant, often very funny attempt to understand the miracle of our physical and neurological make up.

A wonderful successor to A Short History of Nearly Everything, this new book is an instant classic. It will have you marvelling at the form you occupy, and celebrating the genius of your existence, time and time again.

'What I learned is that we are infinitely more complex and wondrous, and often more mysterious, than I had ever suspected. There really is no story more amazing than the story of us.' Bill Bryson

CHF 10.00