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Spacefarers von Wanjek, Christopher

How Humans Will Settle the Moon, Mars, and Beyond
CHF 31.50
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ISBN: 978-0-674-27114-2
Rückgabe: Keine Rückgabe möglich
Verfügbarkeit: Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen
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What will it take to make humanity a spacefaring species? The usual: good reasons and good planning. Christopher Wanjek explores the practical motivations for striking out into the far reaches of the solar system and the realities of the challenge. And he introduces us to the scientists and entrepreneurs who are already tackling that challenge.

Autor Wanjek, Christopher
Verlag Harvard University Press
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
Seitenangabe 400 S.
Meldetext Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Abbildungen 22 photos, 1 illus., 1 table
Masse H13.9 cm x B21.0 cm x D3.2 cm 362 g
Erscheinungstermin 20220607
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Über den Autor Wanjek, Christopher

CHRISTOPHER WANJEK is a frequent contributor to the Washington Post; he has also written for Smithsonian and Forbes, among other publications. He writes jokes for The Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live. Wanjek is also a senior writer for NASA. He has previously worked as an in-house science writer at MIT and the NIH.

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