Essential information on the neurological disease M.E. sourced from the world's leading M.E. experts - in the form of a concise 70 page booklet. Suitable for M.E. patients, their friends and family, partners, carers, lawyers or doctors. The book includes a foreword by international M.E. expert Dr Byron Hyde. M.E. is a distinct neurological disease and is not at all the same thing as 'CFS.' Learning the facts is not time-consuming or complicated. Jodi Bassett is the founder of the international M.E. charity, HFME. Jodi contracted M.E. in 1995 when she was just 19. HFME contributors also aim to advocate for those non-M.E. patients who have been given the always meaningless 'CFS' diagnosis, and subsequently denied correct diagnosis and treatment. Note that this is a summarised 70 page booklet, and not the full-length and more in-depth book 'Caring for the M.E. Patient.'
Essential information on the neurological disease M.E. sourced from the world's leading M.E. experts. Suitable for M.E. patients, their friends and family, partners, carers or doctors. The book includes a foreword by international M.E. expert Dr Byron Hyde. a distinct neurological disease and is not at all the same thing as 'CFS.' Learning the facts is not time-consuming or complicated. Supporting your ill friend or family member or patient more fully by being aware of the basic facts of M.E. could make all the difference in the world to them. This book shows you how. Jodi Bassett is the founder of the international M.E. charity, HFME. Jodi contracted M.E. in 1995 when she was just 19. HFME contributors also aim to advocate for those non-M.E. patients who have been given the always meaningless 'CFS' diagnosis, and subsequently denied correct diagnosis and treatment.
Jorge, il protagonista di questa storia, nasce in una poverissima favela di Rio ed è costretto a usare mille espedienti per sopravvivere. Ma è un bambino sveglio e un giorno, grazie all'incontro con un'astuta gazza ladra, trova un vero tesoro. Jorge però non si accontenta, fa carriera nel narcotraffico e in pochi anni diventa un temuto trafficante internazionale, conosciuto dalla gente e dalla polizia come El Urracaõ. Ma i gruppi rivali lo vogliono morto e Jorge trova rifugio in Svizzera. A Locarno fa affari nel mondo dei night club e della prostituzione, trova l'amore, per la bellissima Sharon, e si lascia sedurre dalla ricchezza di un Paradiso dorato e suadente, dove si intrecciano le trame di banchieri avidi, finanzieri spregiudicati, nuovi e vecchi boss della mafia che gli offrono un affare lucroso e facile, come un gioco da ragazzi, un gioco ingannevole in cui tutti i protagonisti sembrano però perseguire un oscuro obiettivo personale. Con questo romanzo Arson Cole ci trascina in una trama vertiginosa che è anche un lungo viaggio alla ricerca di un paradiso personale sempre sognato eppure dolorosamente difficile da trovare.
A few notes on this NEW revised and expanded edition which includes Dr. Hyde's chapter from the new Puri & Treasaden textbook: "Thirty years ago when a patient presented to a hospital clinic with unexplained fatigue, any medical school physician would have told the students to search for an occult malignancy, cardiac or other organ disease or chronic infection. The concept that there is an entity called chronic fatigue syndrome has totally altered that essential medical guideline. Patients are now being diagnosed with CFS as though it were a disease. It is not. It is a patchwork of symptoms that could mean anything. The original concepts of searching for occult disease are relevant to patients today with CFS, ME and other fatiguing illnesses. Furthermore, because you do not find pathology does not mean there is none."- Byron Hyde
Thorsten and Isaac have written this book based on a programming course we teach for Master's Students at the School of Computer Science of the University of Nottingham. The book is intended for students with little or no background in programming coming from different backgrounds educationally as well as culturally. It is not mainly a Python course but we use Python as a vehicle to teach basic programming concepts. Hence, the words conceptual programming in the title. We cover basic concepts about data structures, imperative programming, recursion and backtracking, object-oriented programming, functional programming, game development and some basics of data science.