Yil 2035... Ücüncü Dünya Savasi yirmi yili askin bir süre önce dünyayi yok etmis, yasama dair izler yeryüzünden tamamen silinmistir. Nükleer saldirinin yakip yiktigi koskoca sehirler artik toz ve külden ibarettir. Her sey paslanip cürümekte, uydular yörüngede basibos bir halde dönmektedir.
Sadece Moskova metrosuna siginanlar hayatta kalir ve radyasyondan korunmak icin, yerin onlarca metre altinda bambaska bir dünya kurarlar. Metro istasyonlari da din ve ideolojik ayrimlarin hakim oldugu birer sehir-devlet haline gelir. Iktidardakilerin yazip oynadigi bir tiyatro oyununu andiran bu hayatta, vatandaslar gelecek kaygisindan uzak, sadece günü kurtarma derdindedir.
Ama iclerinden biri, büyük bir hayalin pesinden kosmaktadir Radyasyon seviyesi düstügünde yeryüzüne geri dönmek ve insan gibi yasamak. Bir zamanlar adina Dünya denilen koca boslukta, hayatta kalmis olabilecek baska insanlari arayan bu inatci gencin adi Artyomdur. Ve herkesin bu hayali takip etmesi icin, metronun karanlik tünellerinde heyecan verici bir yolculuga cikacak, pek cok kirli sirri aciga cikaracaktir.
En büyük sürpriz ise Artyomu günisiginda beklemektedir...
When clients are stuck in the cognitive experience of their story, an explanation of polyvagal theory helps to bring their attention to the autonomic experience-to bring the importance of the biology of their experience back into awareness. Yet polyvagal theory can be challenging and intimidating to explain.
This flip chart offers therapists an easy, standardised way to support clients in understanding the role of the autonomic nervous system in their lives. Using a flip chart makes psycho-education an interactive experience. Therapists can feel confident in teaching their clients polyvagal theory by following the chart.
With a flip chart visible during sessions, the therapist can: remind clients of the ways the autonomic nervous system has been shaped and is active in their daily living experience, display a page corresponding to the present moment, thus anchoring that experience in the theory and keep a page of the hierarchy visible when working with a client's habitual response pattern.
An illustrated study of Hanne Darboven's masterwork, the massive Kulturgeschichte 1880-1983 (Cultural History 1880-1983).
Hanne Darboven's Kulturgeschichte 1880-1983 (Cultural History 1880-1983) (1980-1983) is an overwhelming and encyclopedic installation consisting of 1,590 works on paper and 19 sculptural objects. The work weaves together cultural, social, and historical references with autobiographical documents, postcards, pinups of film and rock stars, documentary references to the first and second world wars, geometric diagrams for textile weaving, a sampling of New York doorways, illustrated covers from news magazines, the contents of an exhibition catalogue devoted to postwar European and American art, a kitschy literary calendar, and extracts from some of Darboven's earlier works. The panels are sequenced and grouped, with the groups then juxtaposed in arrangements that often seem little more than chance associations. In his illustrated walk through Darboven's massive work, Dan Adler explores its visual and aesthetic complexities and considers the work in relation to various projects undertaken by European artists in the 1960s—including Gerhard Richter's ongoing Atlas. The work is now permanently installed at Dia: Beacon.
Guidebook to 30 day walks on the Isles of Harris and Lewis, in Scotland's Outer Hebrides. Walks range from 2 to 14 miles; combining all-day routes in the high hills to short, lower-level walks that visit the world-famous heritage sites. Routes include the An Cliseam horseshoe, the stone circles of Calanais and the Butt of Lewis lighthouse.
Der Auftaktband zur legendären Ex-Force-Serie Die Ruhar griffen uns am Columbus Day an. Wir trieben auf unserer kleinen blauen Murmel durch den Kosmos - arglos, wie die amerikanischen Ureinwohner im Jahr 1492. Dann tauchten am Horizont Raumschiffe einer technisch überlegenen Spezies auf. Und - BAM! - war die gute alte Zeit vorbei. Jene Zeit, als wir Menschen uns nur gegenseitig töteten. Also Columbus Day - Kolumbustag. Das passt. Am nächsten Morgen funkelte der Himmel wieder, diesmal von den Raumschiffen der Kristang, die gekommen waren, um die Ruhar wegzuballern. Prompt dachten wir, wir wären gerettet. Es wurde beschlossen, dass die UN Expeditionary Force die Kristang im Kampf gegen die Ruhar unterstützen sollte. Ich verließ meinen Posten bei der US-Army in Nigeria, um fortan im Weltraum zu kämpfen. Nicht gerade ein fairer Kampf. Denn leider waren all unsere Infos Lügen - nichts als Lügen. Der größte Fehler war, überhaupt gegen die Ruhar zu kämpfen. Denn die sind nicht unser Feind, sondern unsere Verbündeten."
"One-of-a-kind, accessible collection of must-have favorites to strum & sing"--Front cover.
"Available for flute, clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, trumpet, horn, trombone, violin, viola. cello, recorder, bells/glockenspiel."