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John Wiley & Sons Inc

Bild zu Getting Naked von Lencioni, Patrick M

Another extraordinary business fable from the New York Times bestselling author Patrick Lencioni Written in the same dynamic style as his previous bestsellers including The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Lencioni illustrates the principles of inspiring client loyalty through a fascinating business fable. He explains the theory of vulnerability in depth and presents concrete steps for putting it to work in any organization. The story follows a small consulting firm, Lighthouse Partners, which often beats out big-name competitors for top clients. One such competitor buys out Lighthouse and learns important lessons about what it means to provide value to its clients. * Offers a key resource for gaining competitive advantage in tough times * Shows why the quality of vulnerability is so important in business * Includes ideas for inspiring customer and client loyalty * Written by the highly successful consultant and business writer Patrick Lencioni This new book in the popular Lencioni series shows what it takes to gain a real and lasting competitive edge.

Ab CHF 31.90
Bild zu Power Up von Bradford, David L
Viele Unternehmen haben die Erfahrung gemacht, daß ihre Angestellten lieber schnell in ihre traditionelle Rolle als 'Befehlsempfänger' zurückkehren als die Gesamtverantwortung für das Unternehmen mitzutragen. Ebenso verfallen Manager häufig in das traditionelle Befehls- und Kontrollverhalten und untergraben so die Fähigkeit des Unternehmens, das wahre Leistungspotential ihrer Mitarbeiter zu erfassen. Power Up beschäftigt sich mit genau dieser Problematik, der die Autoren mit einem in der Praxis erprobten Ansatz begegnen. Dieser soll Managern und ihren Teams helfen, gleichermaßen die Verantwortung zu tragen für das Erreichen der gewünschten Unternehmensziele. Dabei werden Anekdoten und wahre Geschichten in den Text eingestreut, damit der Leser aus dem reichen Erfahrungsschatz von Hunderten von Organisationen und Managern schöpfen kann. (01/98)
Ab CHF 52.70
Bild zu Economics for Investment Decision Makers von Piros, Christopher D. (PNC Financial Services Group, Inc)
The economics background investors need to interpret global economic news distilled to the essential elements: A tool of choice for investment decision-makers. Written by a distinguished academics and practitioners selected and guided by CFA Institute, the world's largest association of finance professionals, Economics for Investment Decision Makers is unique in presenting microeconomics and macroeconomics with relevance to investors and investment analysts constantly in mind. The selection of fundamental topics is comprehensive, while coverage of topics such as international trade, foreign exchange markets, and currency exchange rate forecasting reflects global perspectives of pressing investor importance. * Concise, plain-English introduction useful to investors and investment analysts * Relevant to security analysis, industry analysis, country analysis, portfolio management, and capital market strategy * Understand economic news and what it means * All concepts defined and simply explained, no prior background in economics assumed * Abundant examples and illustrations * Global markets perspective
Ab CHF 118.15
Bild zu Troika: A Communicative Approach to Russian Language, Life, and Culture von Nummikoski, Marita
This communicative "natural approach" to introductory Russian emphasizes reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Everyday topics are presented to allow readers to begin communicating immediately. Grammar is presented as a necessary tool for communication and is introduced throughout.
CHF 304.45