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Falling in Love von Leon, Donna

CHF 13.90
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Hersteller: Random House UK
ISBN: 978-1-78475-075-6
Verfügbarkeit: ab Aussenlager in ca. 2 Arbeitstagen
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In Death at La Fenice, Donna Leon's first novel in the Commissario Brunetti series, readers were introduced to the glamorous and cut-throat world of opera and to one of Italy's finest living sopranos, Flavia Petrelli - then a suspect in the poisoning of a renowned German conductor. Now, many years after Brunetti cleared her name, Flavia has returned to the illustrious La Fenice to sing the lead in Tosca.

As an opera superstar, Flavia is well acquainted with attention from adoring fans and aspiring singers. But when one anonymous admirer inundates her with bouquets of yellow roses - on stage, in her dressing room and even inside her locked apartment - it becomes clear that this fan has become a potentially dangerous stalker. Distraught, Flavia turns to an old friend for help. Familiar with Flavia's melodramatic temperament, Commissario Brunetti is at first unperturbed by her story, but when another young opera singer is attacked he begins to think Flavia's fears may be justified. In order to keep his friend out of danger, Brunetti must enter the psyche of an obsessive fan and find the culprit before anyone comes to harm.

A-Format Paperback
Autor Leon, Donna
Verlag Random House Uk Ltd
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
Seitenangabe 278 S.
Meldetext ab Aussenlager in ca. 2 Arbeitstagen
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Masse H17.7 cm x B10.8 cm x D2.2 cm 156 g
Reihe Commissario Brunetti
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Über den Autor Leon, Donna

Donna Leon, geboren 1942 in New Jersey, arbeitete als Reiseleiterin in Rom und als Werbetexterin in London sowie als Lehrerin und Dozentin im Iran, in China und Saudi-Arabien. Die ¿Brunetti¿-Romane machten sie weltberühmt. Donna Leon lebte viele Jahre in Italien und wohnt heute in der Schweiz. In Venedig ist sie nach wie vor häufig zu Gast.

Weitere Titel von Leon, Donna

Alle Bände der Reihe "Commissario Brunetti"

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