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Bloomsbury Academic

Bild zu I Am The Wind von Fosse Jon

I Am The Wind is a tale of enduring humanity against insurmountable odds. Two lifelong traveling companions are bound together on a journey across a vast ocean. At once moving and comic, this new work by one of Europe's most widely performed playwrights dramatizes the endless struggle to be human.

Ab CHF 18.30
Bild zu Freedom von Zizek, Slavoj

We are all afraid that new dangers pose a threat to our hard-won freedoms, so what deserves attention is precisely the notion of freedom. The concept of freedom is deceptively simple. We think we understand it, but the moment we try and define it we encounter contradictions. In this new philosophical exploration, Slavoj Zizek argues that the experience of true, radical freedom is transient and fragile. Countering the idea of libertarian individualism, Zizek draws on philosophers Hegel, Kierkegaard and Heidegger, as well as the work of Kandinsky and Agatha Christie to examine the many facets of freedom and what we can learn from each of them. Today, with the latest advances in digital control, our social activity can be controlled and regulated to such a degree that the liberal notion of a free individual becomes obsolete and even meaningless. How will we be obliged to reinvent (or limit) the contours of our freedom? Tracing its connection to everything from capitalism and war to the state and environmental breakdown, Zizek takes us on an illuminating and entertaining journey that shows how a deeper understanding of freedom can offer hope in dark times.

Ab CHF 30.20
Bild zu Mastering Modern World History von Lowe, Norman

The sixth edition of this bestselling book takes students on a journey through the 20th century and provides a clear overview of the key events which have shaped modern world history. Unrivalled in its broad coverage, it: - Surveys international relations and war, from 1900 to the present day - Examines the rise and fall of fascism and communism around the globe - Explores the international affairs of the major superpowers: the USA, Russia/USSR and China - Assesses the experience of decolonization in India, Africa and Latin America - Unpicks global issues, including economic crises and population increase Chapters feature maps, diagrams and end-of-chapter questions to support and reinforce understanding. This new edition has been updated to take account of new scholarship, and provide a more global approach to key chapters in modern world history. Key changes include: - New material on the Second World War,beginning with the outbreak of war between China and Japan, and touches upon Italy's campaigns in East and North Africa and Civil Wars taking place in China, Spain and the Ukraine - Coverage of new historical interpretations of the events that led to the First World War - New chapters on the history of the United States of America - A new chapter on Tsar Nicholas II and the Russian Revolutions of 1917. Mastering Modern World History is the go-to textbook for secondary school students and undergraduates studying modern world history and international relations, and an ideal companion for anyone with an interest in how the world got into its present state.

Ab CHF 29.70
Bild zu Killing Hope von Blum William
In Killing Hope, William Blum, author of the bestselling Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, provides a devastating and comprehensive account of America's covert and overt military actions in the world, all the way from China in the 1940s to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and - in this updated edition - beyond. Is the United States, as it likes to claim, a global force for democracy? Killing Hope shows the answer to this question to be a resounding 'no'.
Ab CHF 31.05
Bild zu The Tempest von Shakespeare, William
The Tempest isone of Shakespeare's enduringly popular and much-studied later plays. The introduction has been extended to focus on new scholarship about the play's first production and to take account of major theatre and film versions since first publication in 1999, including Julie Taymor's 2010 film starring Helen Mirren.
Ab CHF 14.05
Bild zu Hamlet von Shakespeare, William
This Arden edition ofHamlet, arguably Shakespeare's greatest tragedy, presents an authoritative, modernized text based on the Second Quarto text with a new introductory essay covering key productions and criticism in the decade since its first publication. A timely up-date in the 400th anniversary year of Shakespeare's death which will ensure the Arden edition continues to offer students a comprehensive and current critical account of the play, alongside the most reliable and fully-annotated text available.
Ab CHF 14.05